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Email Marketing

The digital world has taken over. We have our very own Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms to interact with our audience. But here’s the hard truth, emails are not going anywhere. They have been here for decades and we say that they are here to stay.


With time emails have only evolved, becoming better each day. So, it is natural for any brand or business to connect with its customers via email.


Digitalofty makes those emails work for you

An email campaign is a truly personal experience


Today’s digital world is all about getting personal. And with a tool as powerful as an email, businesses get an opportunity to connect with their audience but also convey their messages in a more personalised manner. Adding names of the recipient, salutations as per gender, and sending messages as per the likes and preferences of the recipient. Where else do you get to personalise your messages to this level, especially when you want to send emails to thousands and lakhs of people at the same time?

Automated email marketing is a boon for businesses


Emails can be automated, and how! Isn’t it amazing to know that you have a powerful digital platform that lets you send emails to innumerable locations and people, with the click of a button? Ask any email marketing specialist and they will vouch for the platform. You can also schedule your emails so that your customers get these emails in their inboxes right at the time they are most likely to open your emails. Now, this is what we call the power of digital!

Email Marketing

Emails are creative and engaging


When done right, email campaigns are very effective in engaging your audience. You get to showcase your creative prowess that best suits your brand. Write an interesting text-based email or tell your compelling brand story with impressive creatives, and paint the email landscape just the way you desire.

Email marketing services are pretty cost-effective


It pays to invest in EDM marketing when you have a database. It is one of the best platforms after SEO to get your business running within a limited budget. The cost per email is drastically less compared to PPC, Facebook, and other paid platforms.