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Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy

Benefits of Choosing Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing


As we all know that there are 2 types of marketing, Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing and both of them have their pros and cons. Here we are going to discuss why choosing digital marketing over traditional marketing is additionally helpful.


What is Traditional Marketing:


Traditional Marketing refers to any kind of marketing that isn’t online. This basically means print, broadcast, direct mail, phone, and outdoor advertising like billboards and so on. From newspapers to the radio, this method of marketing is helping in reaching various targeted audiences.


What is Digital Marketing?


Digital Marketing is basically the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and various other channels to reach consumers. Some marketing experts think of digital marketing to be an entirely new way to approach and understand how customers behave compared to traditional marketing.


It includes platforms such as:


  • Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and many more.. – Social Media Marketing
  • Promotional advertising via Emails – Email Marketing tools ( Mailchimp, GetResponse, AWeber and many more..)
  • Business networking sites such as Linkedin
  • Blogs – (, and many more)
  • Google Adwords (Search, Display, Video, Shopping and App Campaign)


Traditional vs. Digital Marketing


Now that we know what exactly traditional and digital marketing is, let us find out what traditional marketing vs. digital marketing statistics say. We are going to lay down a few pros and cons of Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing.


Below are some of the few benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing:


  • Reduces Cost: Newspaper, televisions and many more traditional marketing ads cost a lot. On the other hand, Online advertising is better in terms of cost-effectiveness than every person running small businesses can afford right out of some saved up money.
  • Results Real-Time: With Traditional marketing, we have observed that we have to wait for weeks or months before the boosts start to turn up. In this debate of traditional vs digital marketing, digital marketing has an upper hand and wins the debate easily owing to its quick results.
  • Brand Development: When It comes to digital marketing vs traditional marketing, statistics that have been observed can be measured easily in digital marketing but one thing statistics don’t take into consideration is that the amount of brand image digital marketing gives rise to. The reason why this is so is due to the limitation of advertising space the traditional marketing have compared to digital marketing and so here once again digital marketing wins.
  • Higher exposure: We have observed that neither television ads nor Newspaper ads in the town or city would be able to target the majority of the population. This traditional type of marketing in any of the means wouldn’t be able to target the entire population. When it comes to digital marketing it covers a whole lot of audiences all around the world so we are not missing out on anything.
  • Higher Engagement: In traditional marketing, you cannot interact with your audiences in real-time. We would need to wait for their responses to come and accordingly plan out our next step. This is a long and tedious process comparatively. When it comes to digital marketing you can easily engage with your audiences in real-time. You can chat and also discuss with your audiences about your brand or company in real-time.
  • Easy Analytics: In digital marketing, you instantly get to know what is working for you and what exactly isn’t working for you via Google Analytics. You can measure most of the things such as the inbound traffic, conversion rate, profit, and the general trend of the interested audience, everything in real-time. That’s the best part of it.


Advantage of Traditional Marketing:


  • Target Local Audiences: You can roll out an ad on a certain channel, share flyers to some chosen to a certain part of the city, to keep things focused on the target audiences.
  • Materials are for keeps: The best thing that we can find about traditional marketing is that it is tangible and securable. With the virtual data of digital marketing, all we can have is the screenshot, which could easily get lost. Unless and until we save them on cloud servers but still who does save everything on cloud very few.
  • Simpler: Let us still not forget there are still people who are not comfortable with using the internet and others who are not even familiar with the idea of digital marketing. This is one of the reasons even though digital marketing wins the debate, it will not be able to completely overthrow traditional marketing over digital marketing.


Now that we know that digital marketing has a lot of upper hands compared to traditional marketing, it’s a clear win for digital marketing. However, traditional marketing continues to be indispensable for the audience that is itself still traditional. So a smart blend of traditional, enabled by a good analysis of digital marketing statistics, will help your brand where it wants to be.

Akshay Salian About the author