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PPC Services In India

Get in front of your audience to enhance your business reach and profitability quickly across all digital channels with Digitalofty!


Digitalofty is a leading PPC Company in Mumbai offering paid media services. Our in-depth knowledge and expertise in digital marketing across online mediums ensure the highest possible ROI for our clients. 


As a laser focused Google Ads Agency, we know the art of putting your ads at the right time, right place, and before the right people. Our systematic, transparent, and honest approach and vast experience in serving global clients across various industries have made us one of the most preferred PPC services in Mumbai. We help you achieve your business objectives with our laser precise Google Ads Management Services.  If you want to reach out to your target audience and experience quick results, contact Digitalofty, your trusted paid search marketing agency in Mumbai!

PPC service

Let our Google Ads management professionals make your paid search marketing campaigns a success

Being one of the leading SEM services in India, we design effective campaigns tailored to meet your marketing objectives.

Display Campaigns: 

Reach out to your potential customers with audience targeted display campaigns. As your PPC services provider, we recommend display campaigns for niche businesses, luxury products, and products with long sales cycles. Our experienced SEM consulting team will optimize photos and texts to grab the attention of online users and motivate them to take the desired action.


Smart Display Campaigns:

Save costs and get quick results with our in-depth research and data driven approach. Win new customers, and retain the existing ones with Digitalofty, your ace Google AdWords agency in Mumbai. We optimize your text and images to help you stay ahead of your peers in the industry.


Discovery Campaigns:

Pitch to your potential customers right with visual stories to convert them easily. As your Google Shopping ads agency, our interactive and immersive discovery campaigns will attract new and old customers alike and help you enjoy the highest ROI on your ads.


In Market Audience Campaigns:

Let your brand be at the top of your audience’s minds with thoughtfully crafted market audience campaigns. Our Google Shopping ads agency team uses smart ad formats and extensions to deliver a massive improvement in your conversions.


Remarketing Campaigns:

Take your conversions to the next level with our innovative remarketing campaigns. Our Google shopping agency teammates have a deep understanding of remarketing techniques to help you reach out to high intent audiences and boost your ROI.

How does PPC work?

PPC is a result driven advertising model, where you pay a fee only when it gets clicked or opened by someone.

How much does Pay-Per-Click cost?

Your Pay per click cost will depend on the plan you choose and the number of clicks the ad gets. The more the number of clicks, the less will be the cost per click.

Does my business really need Pay-Per-Click?

Every business, irrespective of its size can get instant traffic and results with pay per click. Small businesses, niche products, and subscription services can yield better returns if the PPC campaign is managed optimally.

Why do I need a PPC management company?

An experienced PPC agency or SEM consulting company will customize PPC strategy as per your business. Managing PPC on your own without research can ruin your efforts.

What search engine will my ad appear in?

Since most users use Google, we put your ad on Google.

Are you accredited?

Yes, we are Google accredited members.

What is Google’s “quality score”?

Google’s quality score refers to the overall user experience when they visit your ad or landing page following the keyword search. The rating is given in the range of 1 to 10, 10 is the highest, and 1 is the lowest rating.

How do search engines rank PPC ads?

PPC ads are ranked by search engines based on parameters such as quality score, bid amount, formula, and more. 

Why Choose Digitalofty as your SEM Marketing Agency?


Digitalofty is a trusted search engine marketing company having an experienced team with expertise in all the pay per click services in Mumbai. Our laser precise strategy and innovative approach in PPC landing page creation, creating ad copyrightad campaign set up, and precise bid management has helped brands gain increased paid trafficimprove their ROI and generate better leads and sales at reduced CPC. We constantly monitor your ads and tweak them up from time to time. With a detailed campaign report management, we gain an insight into what is working and how it can be further improved for optimizing revenue. We treat every client with dignity and honesty and deliver what we promise.